
  •            Computer scince
  •            Mechanical engg.
  •            Electronics & comm
  •            Information tech.
Management & computer application
  •             HR
  •             Finance
      Today’s enterprises have to contend with tremendous opportunities and innumerable challenges     stemming  from a rapidly developing global economy. To triumph in business, we need managers who could chart one’s own path, innovate and create new business plans, embark on new strategies, dream up what no one has ever dreamed about, or think about unthinkable.
We at ISTK have taken up this challenging task by adopting ‘Integrated Interactive Learning Approach’ for developing strengths in leadership, teamwork, problem-solving and skills in dealing the competitive global situations.
   The various Departments have been maintaining the state of the art equipment in various laboratories to train the students as per the standards set up by the University from the point of view of applicability in the Industry. Industrial design and development shall be central idea while conducting practicals, design experiments and projects.
The MBA program at ISTK is the Institute’s response to the ever increasing demand for management professionals. This program leads the way in preparing its students to respond to the new challenges by drawing on the varied intellectual resources of the institute and providing a well structured, innovative program in management education. The two year program has been developed into a perfect blend of management theory and practices and real world issues and problems in an effort to groom competent managers capable of devising globally optimized solutions.